Hi, There are many times we do not know the little things and must have the Passion and Desire to know them. Today I'm going to tell you a little bit about  Mechanical Information.
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Currently, globalization has led to the Industrial Revolution Globalization has made the exchange of technology easier and the quality and production of skills Capacity are increased. Excellent quality using high technology from other countries To produce and provide quality products to the customer at the lowest possible price It is possible. Also, products from any country in the world to any country Can be sold. As a result, the country's economic situation is improving Due to globalization, ISO All countries in the world use the ISO standard Is being produced according to the criteria set by this organization. As a result, the quality and standard of the manufactured goods increased and uniformity became possible Is. In the global market, quality products are needed to stay competitive Is required. The customer evaluates the quality of the product. In the age of competition To provide innovative, improved and quality products to the customer Minimal waste, proper use of machinery and manpower, minimal errors in work, Time saving, the willingness of every person in the establishment to work and new Attitude to learn new things, willingness to work harder, productivity There is a need to improve the system as required, increase productivity and that is it The main objectives of TotalQuality Management are.


The principal of 5 'S': -

In every establishment (workshop, office, shop, etc.) in Japan to work effectively, as well as in the workplace The "5 S" principle is applied to manage objects. Of these principles The adoption has been accepted by other countries as well. The principle of "5 S" is as follows. Of which The keyword is in Japanese.

 What does the 5 s stand for?
1) Seiri (Seri): -  means to sort - to classify. Necessary in the workplace and Sorting out unnecessary items. Other than essential items Keep them away from unnecessary items. Reducing hassle helps make work easier and saves time

2) Seition: - Seition means Straighten Systematic management of rates at the planned place. Planning of essential items Systematic management of space. Necessary items according to the nature of work and Arranging as required makes the work easier and saves time Can be.

3) Seiro (Siso): - Seiro means Sweep. The workplace always keeps it clean. Hygiene is an important factor in overall quality management. Clean work area before and after completion of work
Should do. So it helps to keep the mind happy and concentrate on work. Work well
It encourages work and also helps to improve the quality of work.

4) Seiketsu (Siketsu): - Seiketsu means Standardize Criteria. To the workers by setting the standard of work certification Getting used to it. For customer satisfaction and maintaining the quality of the product Quality production according to the criteria set by the management for storage Is required.

5) Shitsuke (Sitsuke): - Shitsuke means Self Discipline To manage the workplace, as well as self-discipline and good habits To every person associated with the work or product to assimilate
Training from time to time.


KAIZEN: - Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning This is the change. The four main components associated with production are man, Machine, Material, and Method. In the production process of this '4 M' Mainly used. Necessary changes in these four components as per the needs of the customers the best quality product can be made available. "Kaizen" means change Managers and employees of the entire company, not just one another It belongs to. First of all management training to apply Kaizen methods Is given. In this training, along with the production capacity of the company, how to reduce the quality of the product, real waste, as well as the solution, machine maintenance, and in a timely manner. It can be extended in any way without any differences between the establishment and the workers. Training classes on how to reduce material waste, how to save time, how to comply with prescribed criteria, etc. The emphasis in the training class is mainly on creating a conducive environment by coordinating between management and workers. It looks at how management workers use Kayzan's principles. It provides guidance and improvement in product instructions from time to time. Kaizen is a method of improving the quality of manufactured goods by improving the method for a limited period of time. The process is an ongoing process of improvement and change.

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